Our service

Our service | Adlår Castra warmtepomp

That's why you choose an
Adlar heat pump!

Our service for getting you a heat pump ensures you a carefree process! Personal advice, professional installation, regular maintenance, accessibility and enjoying your heat pump. You can always contact us for the best service!

What do we mean by our service? We explain it in five steps.

1. Orientation

During the orientation we like to take the time to go through your plans. We start with a short telephone conversation to discuss your wishes and needs. We then schedule a consultation where we go deeper into the possibilities we offer and how we can realize your plans.

During this meeting we look at your specific situation and advise you on the best solutions for your home. Our goal is to ensure that you are fully informed of all options and that you can make an informed decision.


Adlär has an industry leading simulation to calculate your heat pump requirements, included in the calculation is the performance, savings, payback and a fixed quote. This information gives you a clear understanding of what getting a heat pump in your specific situation would mean. 

Following you receiving your report we will call you to discuss the details and help with any questions you may have, and arrange a site survey if you wish to proceed.

Heat pumps free advice
Our service | Adlår Castra warmtepomp


Our savings simulation report provides a very accurate initial estimate of your situation, but we must conduct a detailed surveyors survey of your property to check the details.

Our onsite survey includes:

  • MCS 031: Room by room heat loss survey
  • MIS 3005-D: Heat pump location design
  • EU 813/2013: Noise assessment db(A)
  • MGD 007: Installation assessment

4. Installation

We understand that you want to enjoy your new heat pump as soon as possible. Adlår prides itself on having market leading lead times and install times to get you pumping as soon as possible. Our team consists of experienced and expert installers who work carefully and ensure that the installation runs smoothly.

Our installation team is aware of the latest techniques and takes your wishes and needs into account. This way you are assured of a fast and professional installation and you can enjoy your new heat pump as soon as possible.

5. start saving immediately

When you choose an Adlår heat pump, you choose a sustainable and energy-efficient solution that delivers direct returns from day 1. This means that you immediately start saving on your energy bill and that your investment pays for itself in the long run. Our heat pumps are designed with the latest technologies and are extremely efficient in converting energy. In addition, they contribute to a better environment and reduce CO2 emissions. In short, with an Adlår heat pump you make a sustainable choice that is not only good for your wallet, but also for the environment!

Our service | Adlår Castra warmtepomp


ADlår has been voted FASTEST PAYBACK

Final quote from the judges:

“Of all the heat pumps on Heat Pump Comparator, Adlår Castra has the most favourable ratio between a (low) purchase price and (high) energy savings.” 

In simple language, we have the fastest payback period for your investment, and due to our better performance, keep giving you greater savings every day. 

We develop, produce, recommend and install our own heat pumps. And precisely because we do all this ourselves, we can offer you the most competitive price.

Our service | Adlår Castra warmtepomp
Our service | Adlår Castra warmtepomp

What is my payback

Our service

Request a free consultation

Any questions? We are happy to help and you will get advice from the heat pump specialist.


The Adlår installation process has been optimised. As both the manufacturer and installer, we provide a superior service when it comes installation. Following our 5 step process, we provide minimal disruption and work much more efficiently then installers who don’t handle their own product.