Heat Pump Roof and Wall Installation | Adlår Castra warmtepomp

Choosing the right location for your heat pump is important. Many installers don’t install above 1m. We do. Our surveyors can recommend the best location for your heat pump, which includes your preference for location. Our expert team are fully trained to install at height. Understand the benefits of this:

Heat Pump Roof or Wall Mount Advantages


We can discreetly install your heat pump on the ground floor, but a roof or wall mount has the added advantage of not taking up any of your outdoor space. 

If you’re strapped for space or don’t want to sacrifice garden space it solves that problem also.


Your heat pump won’t make less noise by being on a roof or wall bracket, but it will be further from active spaces, so the chance that you hear it are less.

All roof mounted pumps are installed with state of the art vibration springs, meaning you don’t get any vibration through your roof. 

Air Flow

Heat pumps need a good air flow. Sometimes gardens aren’t the best to provide this. 

Roof and wall mounts ensure air flow isn’t disrupted and means a hassle free pump. 

Reduced Exposed Piping

All our outdoor piping is insulated with the highest grade Araflex insulation, but still, minimising the distance piping is outside only adds to your heat pump’s efficiency. 

A roof or wall mount, well placed near your internal flow and return water for quick entrance into your house, can give you even better performance. 

Outdoor pipework should be kept to a minimum for all installs, if a roof or wall mounted install requires more outdoor water pipes than a floor based install it could be better to install on the floor.

It does cost more to do this kind of installation as we need a crane to place the unit. 

During our onsite visit we discuss these costs with you and all your options for your potential installation locations.

Why Adlår for your heat pump roof or wall installation?

1. Adlår is specialised: 

Adlår does more than 50% of our installs at height. We have expert health and safety training, and have a quick and efficient process to get the install done quickly.

2. Not everyone does it

A lot of the main installers don’t do wall or roof mounts, if they do, they don’t do the volume we do.

3. Site Survey

Our site survey includes a design brief for the best heat pump location, taking into account all the factors which could influence performance and convenience. When onsite we will discuss any extra costs or work required for the install location, which could include a crane.

Heat Pump Roof and Wall Installation | Adlår Castra warmtepomp


It is likely the easiest place to maintain the heat pump is from the ground. 

Adlår are experts in wall and roof mounts however and with our maintenance programs, we will never recommend a location which is not possible to conduct maintenance on.

See our maintenance programs here.

It is important not to cover up the air flow of the heat pump. Locations should be selected to ensure other walls or vegetation don’t pose a risk to the heat pump’s functionality. 

If your house is within a Conservation Area or World Heritage Site you cannot install your pump on a wall or roof facing a public highway.

If your house is listed or a scheduled monument planning permission or listed building consent may be required.

As above it is always better for your efficiency to minimise the outdoor water pipework, making it better to place the pump next to your house.

Other considerations are it will look better and it reduces it being a trip hazard.

Whilst Adlår’s heat pumps make a noise similar to that of a humming fridge for the sake of neighbours and your own living quality, the heat pump shouldn’t be placed next to main living areas or up against your neighbours property.

See our full article here

The heat pump must be placed 1m away from the property edge, for health and safety security. 

Your roof must be load bearing to support the heat pump, as well as for the safety of our install team. Our surveyor can check this during the onsite survey.

Heat Pump Roof and Wall Installation | Adlår Castra warmtepomp
Heat Pump Roof and Wall Installation | Adlår Castra warmtepomp
Heat Pump Roof and Wall Installation | Adlår Castra warmtepomp
Heat Pump Roof and Wall Installation | Adlår Castra warmtepomp
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